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Anodizing Process in Decoration

In decative industry anodizing process often use to make more interesting product. Aluminum will not interested if just like the original color, but using anodizing process aluminum plate can convert their performance more interesting and look more beautiful. Other benefit value of this anodizing process is not just the beauty look but also make the steel more durable to the environmental, because they make a layer on the surface that have a stable character, not affected by the hard environment.

Many product use this benefit of process as decorative product, like car wheel, door handle and windows frame. Many accessories product also use anodizing process as finished process to make them more interesting, like on key chains, and on doll parts. Anodizing process on many part and on building structure is used as final protection on aluminum metal in order this metal will pretent from corrosion.

Naturally aluminum sheet will protected by them self by make an oxide film on the surface but this layer is not strong enough to the environment attack. This is different with the anodized layer that created by industry, the thick of the layer can make more than naturally and stronger to the environment exposure.